My latest creation has truly come from the studio, after nearly 40 years of working as a graphic designer, photographer and painter. My new book, “Points of Inspiration: An Artist’s Journey with Painting and Photography” has just been published through my design firm, Brook Design Group, in 2015. A labor of love for the past 2 years, this book has been on my bucket list to do, and well, it’s now miraculously available in stores! From the Nevada Museum of Art and the Oakland Museum bookstores, to Dakota Art Stores in Washington, to all of the wonderful stores in my own home town of Nevada City and Grass Valley, California. (Oh yes, and on my website.)
The most wonderful part of publishing this book has been receiving reviews from readers, and especially from long-time friends. I hope you will enjoy reading the blog post from a dear friend and wonderful author, Eleanor Vincent. It tells the story of our connection and how the book is viewed from her eyes. I am truly honored.